Friday, 4 May 2012

My Testimony

My Life Before Receiving Christ. . .

    When I was at the age of about 6 or 7 years, I was wondering whether or not I would go to Heaven when I die. I grew up in a Christian home, and we went to church faithfully; so I was always hearing about Heaven and Hell. I was sure knew I wanted to go to Heaven...but I wasn't sure if I was.

                                                                                          How I Became a Christian. . .
         So one day I asked my mother if I was saved or not. She told me that I did say a prayer before, asking Jesus to come into my heart and save me from my sins. She also said that I had to be sure for myself. I think it was that same week, our church was having a summer Vacation Bible School. I was there of course. At the end of the preaching, the preacher asked if anyone wanted to be sure that they'd go to Heaven when they I raised my hand. I knew this invitation was going to be given, and I couldn't wait 'til it did. One of the lady workers took me and another little girl that went to my church, and sat us down on the sidewalk of our church. I could picture it now...she had a little tract that had cartoons and Bible verses; and from that she showed us how we could be sure we're on our way to Heaven. We were shown that we are sinners, and because of that we're on our way to Hell...but God loved us so much that He sent His only Son to die in our place...and all we had to do was believe that He did and receive His free gift of salvation...trusting God, and God alone to take us to Heaven when we die. Both of us believed and both of us prayed and received Christ as our Lord and Personal Savior. 
    Many times after that occasion, I prayed a similar prayer because I had doubts, and simply because I was scared. But I believed Jesus saved me right there and then on our church's sidewalk, and once is Enough.

What Jesus Means to Me Now that I'm a Child of God. . .

   John 1:12 mentions that, those who believe and receive Christ, they then become the sons (daughter in my case) of God. So now I'm apart of the Family of God! 
   When I prayed to God to save me, I asked Jesus to become my Lord and personal Savior. I may not have understood the complete meaning of those words at that time, but as I grew in the faith, I did. Those were some powerful words I prayed!! Before I was saved, despite how young I was, Satan was my Master, he was my father (Jhn.8:44); simply because I was born in sin (Rom.5:12). But now Jesus is my Lord!! He is the One I serve, He's the One I asked to control my life. As my Lord, whatever He wants me to do, should be my desire, and it is. 
   That's my desire because I recognized Jesus as my Savior as well. He saved me from ever going to HELL!!...a place of fire and torment (Lk.16:23,24). He saved me from Satan ever getting a hold of me!!... because all he wants is for me to be destroyed (Jhn10:10,29). And what I find so astounding is, that Jesus saved me from MYSELF!! I think I may know what's best for me, but the truth is...I DON'T! God has a plan for my life (Jem.29:11), and if I go about life the best way I KNOW HOW...I'll be forever miserable...because I was created to bring glory to God (Rev.4:11 ), not to myself or to any other creature.
   Salvation of the Soul is a personal thing. It's a decision I had to make for myself. I couldn't rely on my parents' salvation or my church leaders' salvation to get me to Heaven or to simply live right. It's a personal experience. It's a wonderful experience!! It's the BEST DECISION I will have ever made!!

My Testimony Verse: Ps.66:20 Blessed be God, which hath not turned away my prayer, nor his mercy from me.
My Focus Verse: ICor.6:12 All things are lawful unto me, but all things are not expedient: all things are lawful for me, but I will not be brought under the power of any.
My Aim Verse: Phil.3:8 "...that I may win Christ."